Tailored Care Management Resources
NC DHHS | NC Medicaid Division of Health Benefits
Trillium Tailored Plan Information
For Provider Network resources, Network Communications Bulletins, and other helpful links, please visit the main “For Providers” page located at the top of our website. Find additional resources along the right hand side of the page and within the links in each of the subpages.
For Tailored Plan Provider Quick Reference Guides, access the “Tip Sheets” section of this page and see Tailored Plans-Information for Providers page.
- TCM Billing Guidance
- Provider Support Service: 1-855-250-1539
- Trillium Tailored Plan Information for Providers
Facilitate connections for Tailored Plan members through the many partnerships and programs at Trillium and in Trillium’s Network. For questions about services and supports for Tailored Plan members receiving TCM, please call our Provider Support Service Line at 1-855-250-1539 Monday – Friday 7am-6pm.
To access Trillium’s Provider Directory, click “Find a Provider” in the right hand corner of the page.
Trillium offers several specialized services options and opportunities to engage individuals in their communities. See the “Individuals and Families” tab at the top of our website for more information.
- NC DHHS-DHB: Tailored Plan Services
- NC Medicaid Behavioral Health Clinical Coverage Policies
- Trillium Benefit Plans and Service Definitions
- Trillium Member and Recipient Portal
- Trillium Tailored Plan Information for Members
- NC-DHHS: Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- NC-DHHS: Area Agencies on Aging
- NC-DHHS: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Employment Services for People with Disabilities
- NC DHHS-DHB: Programs and Services
TCM Tip Sheets | Fast Facts | Quick Links | Download or Print
- Child Mental Health Continuum
- Adult Mental Health Continuum
- Adult Substance Use Continuum
- IDD and TBI Medicaid Service Continuum
- NC Innovations Waiver Service Descriptions- For more information, see Clinical Coverage Policy 8P
TCM | Tailored Plan and Integrated Care Knowledge Hub
- NCDHHS-MH/DD/SAS Community Engagement and Empowerment: Team-Education, training, and technical assistance to facilitate community inclusion for people with lived experience of mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and substance-use disorders.
- MH/DD/SAS Person-Centered Planning Guidance Document: Values, principles, and guidance to facilitate person-centered planning and services.
- World Health Organization: Patient Engagement: Implementing system changes and practices to improve safety at all levels of health care.
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC) - Health Literacy and Patient Engagement: Patient engagement research summaries evidence-base, and advocacy for engaging patients in healthcare to create better health outcomes.
- U.S. Surgeon General - Protecting Youth Mental Health: Actionable recommendations for young people and their families, schools and health care systems, technology and media companies, employers, community organizations, and governments by the US Surgeon General
- National Institute of Health (NIH) - Engaging Patients, Families, and Communities: Read about centering care on people’s preferences and needs, engaging patients as participants in their own care, integrating healthcare and community, and frameworks to achieving integration.
- Center for Health Care Strategies - Consumer Engagement: Public health technical tools, resources, webinars, and opportunities to strengthen the US Healthcare system.
- The Commonwealth Fund - Engaging Patients and Communities as Partners: Engage patients in meaningful ways to improve healthcare quality.
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) - CAHPS Mental Health Care Survey: Assess and improve patient experience with behavioral health, mental health, and/or substance abuse services.
- NAMI - National Alliance for Mental Health: Advocacy, understanding, awareness, support, and resources for individuals impacted by mental illness.
- North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities: Advocacy, leadership, community capacity building, and systems change activities to promote inclusion in all aspects of community life for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.
- NC Injury and Violence Prevention Overdose Prevention Resource Guide: Describes technical assistance resources for community-based organizations related to harm-reduction and overdose prevention
- North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition: Grassroots organization dedicated to implementing harm reduction interventions, public health strategies, drug policy transformation, and justice reform for resource and policy development.
- Administration for Community Living: Explore Data, research, policy, and program areas for that support the health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan, and their families and caregivers to maximize independence and well-being.
Learn more about creating partnerships through our System of Care and Community Collaboratives by visiting “Regional Operations” at the top of our website.
- Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions: Public health technical tools, resources, webinars, and opportunities to strengthen the US Healthcare system
- NC Institute of Medicine - Accountable Care Communities: Accountable care community development, partnership, governance, financing, and legalities
- Resources for Integrated Care: Resources for building the capacity for integrated care for dually eligible Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries
- Community HUB Model: Involves identifying at-risk populations, pathways for connecting individuals to services, and outcome documentation.
- Center for Health Care Strategies: Public health technical tools, resources, webinars, and opportunities to strengthen the US Healthcare system.
- US-DHHS - Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation: Policy coordination and legislative development, research, and evaluation for health, disability, human services, data, and science including economic policy advice and analysis.
- US-DHHS AHRQ - Academy for Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care: Resources for integrating primary care and behavioral health.
- Center for Healthcare Strategies Better Care Playbook: Resources and strategies for providers serving people with complex needs.
- National Association for County Health Officials - Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships: A strategic planning process for assessing, prioritizing, and taking action to improve community health.
- All Children All Families: Facilitate LQBTQ inclusion in child welfare systems
- Value-Based Care: Public health system changes implemented by Trillium Health Resources and our provider network partners to emphasize outcomes and the shift from fee-for-service models to value-based care.
- Health Care Learning and Action Network Alternative Payment Models: An innovative payment model that builds on NC Medicaid Managed Care and will become a framework for the future of healthcare in NC.
- NC DHHS - Provider Playbook - NC Medicaid Managed Care: Resources, tools, and the latest information to help your organization and beneficiaries transition to the Tailored Plan.
- Center for Disease Control (CDC) - Patient-Centered Medical Home Model: An approach to delivering high-quality, cost-effective, coordinated care that is team-based, culturally appropriate, and person-centered
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) - Health Homes: Established the Health Home State Plan option under the Affordable Care Act of 2010, Section 2703, and Section 1945 of the Social Security Act and the foundation for which TCM is based. Explore the CMS whole-person philosophy for integrating and coordination primary, acute, behavioral health, and long-term services and supports.
- US-DHHS Agency for Health Research & Quality (AHRQ): Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH): Discover how the PCMH model works and explore tools and resources for transforming healthcare.
- Rural Health Info: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Theories and Models Resources to understand and explain health behavior and support the practice of health promotion and disease prevention.
- US-DHHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH): - My Health Finder: Explore health topics, see which screening tests you need, get tips on managing health.
- US-DHHS Health Resources and Services Administration - Resources: Works to improve health outcomes and health equity through quality service access, a skilled health workforce, and high-value programs.
- CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion- Publications, Graphics, Media, and Infographics to aid in health promotion.
- CDC - Division of Adolescent and School Health - Communication Resources: Explore infographics, strategies, and tools to facilitate youth connections, understand risk behaviors, promote health, and prevent substance use
- NC Health Connex: North Carolina’s State Information Health Exchange
- US DHHS-AHRQ - Care Coordination Measures Atlas: Systematic investigation for interventions to improve Care Coordination.
- Resources for Integrated Care - Care Management: Resources for building the capacity for integrated care for dually eligible Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.
- US-DHHS-OASH - Healthy People 2030 - Social Determinants of Health: Data driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade.
- NC-DHHS - Healthy Opportunities Pilot: *Timing for Pilot launch at AMH+/CMAs TBD* non-medical interventions related to housing, food, transportation and interpersonal safety and toxic stress to high-needs Medicaid enrollees.
- NC Care 360: Facilitate health care and human service connections to community resources through NC’s statewide network.