Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


Trillium’s TBI Program supports members through community services, State-funded services, and Medicaid. State-funds are not an entitlement and are based on the availability of funding that Trillium receives.  

State-funded services may include:  

  • Residential Supports
  • Respite
  • Supported Employment.  

Trillium’s TBI Medicaid members also have access to all Medicaid services that they qualify for. This may include:

  • 1915 (i) services
  • Innovations Waiver
  • Long Term Services and Supports.  

The TBI waiver is not available everywhere in North Carolina. The TBI waiver is only available to eligible individuals in the Alliance Health region. 

In North Carolina, TBI that occurs prior to age 22 may meet the criteria of a developmental disability and Trillium can help you find the services you need.  A TBI Care Manager will help you and your family access TBI services and supports within the Trillium region and throughout North Carolina. To connect with a TBI Care Manager, call Trillium's Member and Recipient Services line at 1-877-685-2415.  A referral will be completed and sent to our Care Management team.  A Care Manager will then follow up with you or your family member to explore possible TBI services.  They will also explain community-based TBI services, including state-funded and TBI waiver services.

You can also contact the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina at the numbers below. 

Brain Injury Association of North Carolina Offices

Statewide  Helpline919-833-9634Charlotte area919-241-7674
Statewide Neuro Resource Facilitator919-833-9634
Support Groups & BIANC Services1-800-377-1464 
Greenville & Eastern NC 
   ext. 7001
Asheville & Western NC919-833-9634 
   ext. 7007
Winston-Salem & Triad Area919-833-9634 
 ext. 7004
Statewide Headquarters, Raleigh & Central NC919-833-9634 
  ext. 7004

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Brain injuries can happen to anyone; more than five million people in the United States today have had a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). A TBI is an injury to the brain caused by an outside physical force that causes disability and meets all of the following: 

  • Involves an open (with an obvious wound) or closed (no obvious wound) head injury. 
  • Can be caused by a single injury or many small ones, such as multiple concussions. 
  • Occurs with or without a loss of consciousness at the time of injury. 
  • Does not include brain injuries that are present at birth or the result of a degenerative disease. 

People with a TBI may need help in performing daily activities like feeding themselves or getting dressed. However, most people do not realize how a brain injury, even from a minor blow to the head, can impact their behavior or ability to function. Brain injury affects five times more people annually than breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, spinal cord injury, and Multiple Sclerosis combined.

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