Join the Network


Physical Health Services 

Trillium maintains an open network for all physical health providers, including primary care, specialists, occupational therapy, speech therapy, personal care services, home health, durable medical equipment, imaging, lab testing and other non-emergency medical transportation, etc. 

Trillium will enter into a good faith contracting effort with any willing provider of physical health services through our partnership with Carolina Complete Health.

Please click the link below to apply

Join the Network- Physical Health Providers

Behavioral Health, Substance Use, and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services

Doctor Smiling to a patient

Trillium operates an open network for Behavioral Health, Substance Use, and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services and accepts providers who meet objective quality standards and accept Network rates, except for certain services as set forth in N.C. Gen Stat 108D 23(c) which remain in the closed network. For closed network services, Trillium will continue to evaluate network adequacy standards including time and distance metrics and appointment wait times to determine if additional network providers are needed. 

For questions or to apply to join the network, please email

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