State-funded services are not an entitlement and funding is limited. This means that even if you are eligible to receive services, you may not be able to get services if there are not enough funds. If this happens, you may be put on a waiting list by Trillium until additional funds are available.
List of Available Behavioral Health Services
Type of Service
Core Services (Available in all regions)
Non-Core (Additional Services) included in your plan
Diagnostic assessment
Facility based crisis for adults
Inpatient Behavioral Health services
Mobile crisis management
Outpatient services
Behavioral Health urgent care
Facility based crisis for children and adolescents
Adult Mental Health
Assertive community treatment (ACT)
Assertive engagement
Community support team (CST)
Peer Support Services
Psychosocial rehabilitation
Mental health recovery residential services
Individual placement and support (IPS)-supported employment
Transition management service
Critical Time Intervention
Behavioral Health Comprehensive Case Management
Partial hospitalization
Child Mental Health
Intensive in-home
Multi-systemic therapy
Assertive engagement
Mental Health Day Treatment
Substance Use Disorder - Adult
Ambulatory Withdrawal Management without Extended Onsite Monitoring and Ambulatory Withdrawal Management with Extended Onsite Monitoring
Assertive engagement Clinically managed population specific high intensity residential services